First things first… while this Akismet plugin for fighting spam on the site has been exceptional for the most part, I have managed to find one unintended casualty. Apparently all of ACJ’s comments are being marked as spam. I happened to be browsing the list of blocked comments earlier tonight and came across a comment he made a few days ago. *grumblemutter* I suppose I’m going to have to keep a closer eye on it, or find a way to make sure ACJ isn’t blocked.
It appears I’ll be going to Buffalo again on Friday. This time I’ll have everything in hand that I’ll need for the trip, so I don’t expect to need to make another trip for a while. Maybe this time I’ll be able to get the net access working and be able to do some actual work from there. The only thing that bugs me about Buffalo trips is the drive, but the fact that I’ll have my iPod with me will make it quite a bit more bearable. I should see about getting more Doctor Who audio adventures; when I went to Los Angeles last week I entertained myself by listening to “Shada” on my iPod, and it was quite entertaining. It’s really too bad Big Finish doesn’t offer them on the iTunes Music Store, as I’d be more likely to buy them that way.
I’ve also been trying to be a bit more smart about my food intake, exercise, and all. Starting Monday I’ve been doing a five to ten minute workout every morning with a set of hand weights I have here. I’ve cut out all soda again (I’d been slipping, but nowhere NEAR as bad as I had been; maybe a soda at lunch), and have gone to two cups of coffee in the morning and water the rest of the day, with the exception of a Shiner Light in the evening. As for food… I’ve been trying to eat healthier. While my sandwiches for lunch Monday and Wednesday came with fries, I only ate a few of them (as in, five or less). On Tuesday, I had a light pasta salad instead of fries with my chicken sandwich. Then, when I get home, I have a light dinner. We’ll see how it turns out, but I would like to shed a few pounds before May, which is when I’ll be attending two big trade shows (OTC and E3, to be more precise).
In any event, tomorrow should be a somewhat quiet day, other than poker tomorrow night. Then on Saturday, I’ll be going to see Cirque du Soleil’s Delirium at the Toyota Center, which should be rather enjoyable. For now, sleep beckons…