My friend Josh managed to find and show me this image, following the news that Pluto is no longer considered a planet…

My friend Josh managed to find and show me this image, following the news that Pluto is no longer considered a planet…
Well, right now I’m sitting in the waiting area of the Saturn dealership over on I-45 by 1960. It was time for my car’s 84k mile service, so I scheduled some time to come out here and get it taken care of. In addition I’m going to have to stop at Fry’s on the way in to work to see if I can get a new tone probe and generator. For those not in the know, tone probes and generators are used for tracing out phone/data lines. You plug the generator into the plug and switch it on, and then you go to the other end (say, a phone room) and use the probe to detect the tone the generator’s putting out, which leads you to find the correct line. I’ve got a few lines at the office that I need to track down, and I lost my original probe. Fun fun.
The main thing that annoys me about this Saturn dealership is that they used to have an open wifi connection here. Now, though, they’ve locked down the wifi with WEP, which I suppose is their way of saying, “Oops, we didn’t mean for this to be open in the first place.” So, right now, I’m using my cell phone as a Bluetooth modem. Even then it’s not as functional as I like; I can’t get my VPN client working on it and can’t connect to my servers at home. About the only thing that’s working right now is web access. Still, a working open wifi connection would be great here; some people like me come in during working hours and it makes it easy for me to actually do work. Right now I can’t make any calls while the phone’s in use.
Like I said earlier, I met Sean and Jinny for coffee Wednesday evening. It was kinda unexpected; Sean called in the middle of The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai, and I had actually ignored the call because I didn’t recognize the number. However, Sean left a voicemail so I went ahead and checked it (I figured that whoever it was, if they left a voicemail it was important), got back with Sean, and went off to meet him at Denny’s. It’s always good to meet up with those two and discuss current and former times.
Speaking of The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai, I actually did end up enjoying the film. The key to it is to not take a single bit of it seriously. I might end up adding it to my permanent DVD collection out of shits and grins. We’ll see, though.
In any event, that’s about it for me here… time for more waiting on my car. Fun fun…
Bleh. I appear to have gotten into a rut; posts on this site that don’t have to do with news are now appearing on a weekly basis. Hrm…. granted, I was never a post whore like others I know, but on the other hand I had thought I might post more than that. Ah, well… at least the site’s being updated regularly. Truth be told, not all that much has been happening on this end to begin with…
It’s been a relatively slow weekend. Yesterday morning I got my hair cut, and I also got a new pair of sunglasses. The glasses are different than previous pairs I’ve had, as they’re rimless. I’ll just have to learn to be more careful with them. On the other hand, they’re just like the last two pairs I’d gotten in that they came with a pair of clip-on sunglasses that fasten over the nose bridge. In a way, with the clip-ons, the glasses look almost like Agent sunglasses. :-) Otherwise, it’s been an unproductive weekend (other than getting new protective screen covers for my cell phone from CompUSA).
Tonight doesn’t look to be much better, other than doing some movie watching. I had expected my movie this weekend to be The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai, but I guess it wasn’t available on Netflix yet, as they sent me the next film in my queue instead: Ghost in the Shell 2 – Innocence. Not that I’m complaining, mind you… I’ve been wanting to see this movie for a while. It just kind of surprised me when I was informed I’d be receiving it next. Ah, well…
On the nostalgia front, there’s a game coming out next month for PC that I’m looking forward to: Defcon, which is a RTS game involving politics and global warfare. The reason this game interests me is because the graphics are very reminiscent of the movie WarGames; specifically, they look like the computer displays seen in NORAD during the movie. I actually had the Colecovision game WarGames back when it came out (back then, I had a Coleco ADAM), and played it regularly. Granted, it was a very simplistic game compared to strategy games of today, but I enjoyed playing it. It should be interesting to see how well this game plays when it comes out…
Ah, well… at this point I’m just going to sit here in the kitchen, enjoy some of the sunlight, listen to music on my laptop, and relax. Fun fun…
Missy managed to find LordRaven’s obituary. If you want to read it and/or send condolences that way, the link is, and click on Casey Lewis.
Well, another weekend is over and done with. Granted, I’m not sure where the hell it went to, but it’s pretty much over.
Yesterday at about lunchtime, Dave came around to the house. Unfortunately, Chase went into serious protection mode and we had to restrain him; for some reason he did NOT like Dave being there. In retrospect, it was my fault, as I let Dave go in first and Chase probably thought he was an intruder. He wasn’t any better the rest of the day, either. *sigh* I just hope he eases up over time and realizes that Dave is a friend. Interestingly enough, later in the day, Gus overcame his skittish nature and came into my room to meet Dave. Dave had never seen him before, and made sure to make friends with him. It’s weird when the cats are friendlier than the dogs…
Anyway, after Dave arrived, he and I went to Pei-Wei for lunch. After having our lunch we headed back to the house and he proceeded to introduce me to Beyond the Valley of the Dolls. Unfortunately, I would have to say that Louie lasted longer than I did; at the 17 minute mark, when I saw them walk into a room about to have guy on guy action, I said, “STOP! Enough.” Not that I have any problem with it, mind you, but at that point the movie was getting too surrealistic for my tastes. So, I ended up putting the 2003 miniseries of Battlestar Galactica on. However, right before we reached the halfway mark, the power flickered and the movie cut out. We took that opportunity to head on to dinner at the Black-Eyed Pea. After dinner, we headed back to the house, where I introduced Dave to the 80’s sci-fi/fantasy goodness that is Krull. After the movie was done, he headed back home.
The main thing that bugged me about yesterday was that issues with MK Online and with work meant I ended up neglecting Dave a couple of times. I hated doing so; he said he didn’t mind, but I felt really rude doing so. *sigh* In the end, I told Dave that it was days like yesterday where I hated my MK Online job.
I wanted to watch Corpse Bride tonight, but unfortunately something was wrong with the disc. Mom tried watching it and it crashed her DVD player part way into the movie. Then I took it and put it on my own DVD player, and it didn’t work at all. I tried it on my main PC using PowerDVD as well, to the same result: both times the player hardware/software just locked. I’ve already arranged for a replacement from Netflix and am sending the bad one back tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll get it soon.
Otherwise, the only other thing I’ve done today was set up Mozilla Thunderbird on my mom’s laptop and get her brand new domain and email address set up. It didn’t take too long; it was just a matter of getting Dad to buy the domain name, and I did all the technical work after he had done so. She’s getting this new domain so she can get rid of her AOL account; all she uses her AOL account for now is email and she’s kinda miffed AOL’s giving away free email now. At this point, I’m reasonably sure I can give her better spam/virus filtering anyway, so she wins in the end. However, it’ll be fun for me as my AIM account is tied to her AOL account and I don’t know if it’ll end up surviving…
I also ended up setting up GNU Privacy Guard on my main PC as well as Enigmail for Mozilla Thunderbird. Now all of my emails are being cryptographically signed, and if people want they can encrypt email to me. I admit I’m not doing this for any more reason than it looks neat and acts as a kind of verification later on if people want to confirm if a message came from me. If you want my PGP key for my email address, you can get it here, and for my MK Online email address, you can get it here.
And now, it’s time for me to start winding down, as I have work in the morning. Fun fun…
I don’t remember how many of my regular readers who frequented EFNet #Vampire remember LordRaven. He was quite an amusing and intelligent guy, who stayed in hospitals far more often than anyone should because of his cystic fibrosis. A few years ago he had a full lung transplant which was hoped would help him.
About a week ago or so, he contracted pneumonia and it caused his lungs to reject him. Unfortunately, there was nothing anyone could do. He died earlier today.
You know what they say… only the good die young. I never got to meet him in rl, which I do regret. Hopefully I’ll get that chance when I move on from this life…
I admit to annoyance. First off, our good friend Jesse is doing her yearly Blogathon, raising money for the Tri-County Humane Society. That’s not what irks me. In fact, I’ve already donated. What irks me is that she’s giving away this Squeeky toy thing to whoever guesses what a particular song clip is, and even after three hints I still can’t figure out WTF song it is. It’s not that I want it for myself; I want to win it so that I can give it to Missy. *sigh*
I had an optometrist’s appointment this morning. I surprised them somewhat by revealing that I haven’t worn contact lenses since I got that corneal ulcer in my eye back in December. It’s really a combination of A) not being bothered enough to deal with it, and B) not exactly looking forward to putting something in my eye again. So, I ended up buying new glasses, which I should be receiving in a couple of weeks, once they put the antiglare coating in and mount them on the frames. These are rimless glasses, which should look nice. In addition, they’re like my previous glasses in that they come with clip-on sunglasses that clamp over the bridge via a magnet. They look quite nice, if I do say so myself. Ah, well… just have to wait for them to come in.
Also this afternoon we went to eat at Ruby Tuesday’s. We were up for a change, and only found out this week that there was one at Willowbrook Mall. I should say, that a new one had opened near Willowbrook; twenty years ago there had been one in the mall itself, and we had rather enjoyed it. Then it closed, and we hadn’t heard of a Ruby Tuesday’s in Houston since this week, when my coworker Cherry mentioned seeing one across US 249 from Willowbrook. Anyway, we went there and had dinner there… though we weren’t expecting it to primarily be a burger place. :-) A lot can change in twenty years, though… anyway, it was a good meal and we enjoyed ourselves. We’ll keep it as a standby.
As for the rest of this weekend… hmm. Not sure what I’ll do to occupy myself. Right now I’m just drinking a Shiner and relaxing. I’ll probably sleep in tomorrow and watch movies most of the day. Not sure what yet, though. For now, though… just going to go play some pinball. Fun fun…
EDIT: I finally realized what song it was after I heard a phone post with Jesse’s oldest daughter Lisa singing it: Al Stewart’s “Year of the Cat”. So, by some miracle I was able to win it, and Missy will get the squeaky toy she wanted. :-)
You learn something new every day.
All right, so… Peter Cullen has been confirmed to be the voice of Optimus Prime in the upcoming Transformers movie. For those not familiar with the name, he was the one who voiced Optimus in the original cartoon series. This is, of course, a pretty good sign. I’m not one of those who is against the movie because it’s made changes from the original series, mind you; every iteration of Transformers has made changes to the continuity and/or characters since the original “Generation 1” series. Still, this might be an indication that Michael Bay respects the franchise.
Of course, now the attention is likely going to be focused on whoever will voice Megatron. Most people I come across are hoping Frank Welker returns as Megatron. Welker voiced Megatron in the original series. However, I’m likely one of those rare people who also like the voice of the person who had been voicing Megatron in the recent Transformers series. I did some looking, and found that from Beast Wars until Cybertron, Megatron had been voiced by David Kaye. So, I have no objection to him getting the part. What surprised me, however, was who voiced Optimus. Apparently, from Beast Wars to Cybertron, Optimus Prime/Primal had been voiced by Garry Chalk. Those of you who like Stargate SG-1 would know him as the actor who plays Colonel Chekov. Small world, I swear…
As I said before, I’m not one of those who’re getting pissed about some of the changes they’ve been making in the movie. For example, a lot of people are annoyed that Bumblebee is a Camaro instead of a VW Beetle. Uh, news flash: Volkswagen refused permission to have their cars used in the movie. Also, people are annoyed that Megatron doesn’t transform into a gun, and instead transforms into some kind of alien jet. Again, news flash: Megatron hasn’t been a gun since G1. Most versions of Megatron have him transforming into either a tank or an alien fighter/gunship. :-) The movie looks like it’ll be fun, despite what some people are worried about; hell, one of my favorite little fun details has to be on the vehicle mode of the Decepticon Brawl. He turns into a black Mustang police car; however, the “city seal” has the Decepticon logo over it, and instead of saying “To protect and serve” it says “To punish and enslave”. :-)
Ah, well… the movie won’t be out for another year. We’ll see how good (or bad) it is then.
All right, on one hand I admit to bewilderment. On the other hand, I admit to looking forward to this.
OXM‘s cover story for its upcoming issue deals with Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. People have been receiving the issue already, though, and it turns out the mysterious minigame mode in MK:A has been revealed. It’s Motor Kombat, an up-to-eight-player cart racing game.
Yes, you read right. It’s a cart racing game. My own head nearly exploded when I read it.
Not that I think that’s a bad thing, mind you. I actually happen to enjoy racing games, and am rather looking forward to this. In fact, I tend to do better at racing games than, say, puzzle games. (Justin tends to annihilate me at Puzzle Kombat, which makes it a bit less fun to play). Dave and Louie love racing games as well, so Motor Kombat may end up being the game that gets them playing SOMETHING Mortal Kombat related. Also, Dad loves his racing games, so maybe I can get him to play…
Also, it’s amusing when you consider how many people talk about Mario Kart when “MK” is brought up. It’s always fun seeing an in-joke brought to life.
Anyway… I’ll judge it properly when I get to play it. Until then, I’m looking forward to the chance to try it. I gotta admit, though… it’s certainly a different idea.
EDIT: For those people who somehow found my site on a Google search for Motor Kombat… er, hi. Here’s the info from the Mortal Kombat Online story I ended up putting up:
The secret minigame mode that had been secret until now has been revealed as Motor Kombat, an up to eight player cart racing game. The playable racers are Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Bo’Rai Cho, Jax, Raiden, Kitana, Mileena, and Baraka. (UPDATE – Cyrax and Johnny Cage are also available. Thanks for the correction, Casselman!) The characters are capable of using their own special moves during the match (Sub-Zero freezes cars, and Bo’Rai Cho can cause cars behind to slip on his puke, for example), and can even knock cars into course deathtraps. The minigame is playable alone, via online with eight people, and with up to four people with split-screen.