Meh. Well, I’m in my hotel room in Conway, AR, right now, just relaxing at the end of a long day. I plan on turning in early, but that’s not going to be for another couple of hours. For now, though, I’m just browsing the web, chatting with friends, and winding down.
I ended up getting up at 4:15 AM this morning, as my flight to Little Rock was going to leave at 7:15 AM. I got to the airport terminal itself around 6 AM; normally I might have been earlier, but I drove myself to the airport this time and parked in the economy lot. It was a good thing I got there early, as there was quite a line to get through security. I boarded my flight, got to Little Rock, got my rental car, and made my way to Conway without incident. Once I got to the Conway facility, I met with the two employees there and started work on mapping out where everything was and what needed to be done.
Of course, while I was doing so, I saw something that I had seen the first time I came out; this was there the last time I was at the facility, so don’t take this as a reflection of us or my coworkers. I guess you can call it Arkansas public education at its finest.

After I got finished at the location, I ended up going to the hotel and getting myself checked in and to my room. Once I got settled in, I decided to go have dinner, which would have consisted of a burger and a beer at Chili’s. I knew where the Chili’s was, so I drove over there, got a table…
… and was quickly informed by the waitress that I was in a dry county. Bah!
Such a thing has rarely made sense to me. I just don’t see the point in having dry counties; I guess it comes from living for 25 years in a “wet” county and not seeing any problem with it. It just seems, well… silly to me. Ah, well… I ended up having a Diet Coke (which will play havoc with the desire to sleep) instead.
Tomorrow looks to be another productive day. I should be done with everything I need to work on by noon, which leaves me free to work on other work projects the rest of the day. Hopefully I don’t encounter any setbacks… heh.
(And I can’t wait to get my laptop in for service. The spacebar is REALLY beginning to annoy me…)
That’s Arkansas all right. And screw dry counties. Surprising a state like Arkansas has any.