Well, like the subject line says, I can’t say it was an entirely productive weekend. I got some stuff done, but not anything of real note. For example, my biggest accomplishment yesterday was getting my car cleaned out. My toll road tag needed replacing, so while I did that I cleaned a bunch of garbage out of my car’s backseat, glove compartment, and armrest area. Unfortunately, I’ve not quite disposed of it yet; it’s sitting in a box on my bed right now, but before I head on to bed tonight I’ll get it taken care of. Now my car can actually carry four people… though, truth be told, the fact that I drive a coupe means that the two in back would get awfully squished, even if there is a third door on the passenger side for the back seat.
I also upgraded my online gallery to the latest version of the Gallery software, as a recent PHP upgrade on this server had futzed up some of the formatting. I’ve noticed that for some reason my gallery is showing up on image searches for Mortal Kombat: Armageddon; it’s kind of amusing, really, considering the fact that the only Mortal Kombat pics I have are in my E3 galleries.
I also FINALLY got around to watching Constantine last night. My verdict? It’s not very faithful to the source material (if it was, Sean Bean would be playing John Constantine and not Keanu Reeves), but for what it was I rather enjoyed it. It might even find a place on my DVD shelf at some point. In addition, I managed to catch the first episode of Torchwood tonight; for those who don’t know, Torchwood is a somewhat more mature spinoff of Doctor Who. My verdict? I’m definitely sticking around for this one. It’s certainly strong enough to stand on its own, with only a couple of passing references to the original series.
Anyway… time for me to get some of this garbage from my car sorted out. Fun fun…