Okay, so… it’s Good Friday, I’ve had the day off, and I’ve managed to accomplish very little today. That’s fine by me, mind you; after this past week I could very well do with a day of doing absolutely nothing. I had to move offices on Tuesday, and I have yet to even completely unpack, as I’ve been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. It’ll get worse next week, as my employers’ corporate office will be moving to my office’s location next weekend and I’ll be working to finalize preparations for THAT move all week. This will be in addition to my normal tech support work and any other issues that might creep up in the meantime. *sigh* I’ll be glad when all that will be taken care of.
I’ve been immersing myself in Mortal Kombat II and Cyberball 2072 recently. I was never all that great at Cyberball 2072, but practice is helping to make perfect. Or at least, I try… my main issue nowadays is telling the quarterback to pass to the right receiver. I’ve been handed more interceptions that way… gah. For those who are not familiar, Cyberball 2072 is an arcade game from about 15 years ago which involved a version of football played by robots. Not that I’m THAT big into football, but it often makes an interesting strategic exercise. Now if I could just do something about getting my passes intercepted relatively often…
As for my weekend plans, they’ll probably consist of sleep and more sleep. I’ll also likely be helping Dad move his office. He’s got it partially moved now, but some of the stuff is here at the house… including his Vonage adapter and phone, which means he can take business calls here in the meantime. Fun fun. Otherwise, I’m just going to treat this as the calm before the storm, and not worry too much. We’ll see how things go…